Landscape Plan - Pound Lane
A suite of 12 custom build homes are sensitively-located in a wooded setting in Laindon, Essex. MHDS worked alongside Pitman Tozer, Mae & AOC Architects with Unboxed Homes to secure planning approval, with work likely to go ahead in 2020.
The scheme trials innovative housing typologies and sets out a framework for a self-determining community where future inhabitants have a say not only in the design and layout of their home but also a shared interest in the communal landscape and ecology of the entire site. The retention of significant existing vegetation is seen as crucial not only to conserve biodiversity and landscape character, but also as a complimentary setting to the built form. Central communal green spaces, privacy buffers and private gardens are lightly defined within this wooded context, with any hard surfacing kept to a bare minimum.
Existing pedestrian routes are preserved and augmented providing alternative walking routes to an area where vehicular movement currently dominates. A significant boundary of indigenous hedgerow planting acts as a biodiversity corridor and helps minimise the impact of the scheme from the neighbouring Grade 1 listed St Nicholas Church.